
A. R. Thompson Proofreading and Copy-Editing

Added by Alixander Thompson

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I’m a professionally-trained proofreader and copy-editor with five years of experience working with students and academics, self-published authors, small publications, and independent publishers. My rates are set along a sliding scale to help out with editing costs, and I’m always willing to do my best to tailor my services to meet your needs, aim and budget. Student discounts are available for academic works (see my website for full details).
Free, no-obligation sample edits are available on request.

(The following is just an overview; see my website’s services page for full information on how rates work).

  • Proofreading: £0.005–0.015 per word
  • Copy-editing: £0.008–0.025 per word
  • Line editing: £0.01–0.03 per word

I also offer sensitivity reading, sensitivity consultations, and a variety of hybridised editing services and multi-service discounts.

What I’ll edit:

  • All fiction
  • Creative non-fiction (e.g., memoirs, biographies, articles, personal essays, non-fiction books, etc.)
  • Academic work: essays, theses and dissertations for all humanities subjects, as well as linguistics, anthropology and archaeology

I don’t edit academic work for STEM subjects.

Training and memberships:
I have trained with the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading and the Publishing Training Centre, and am an Intermediate Member of the CIEP.

Software and methods of working:
I can work on Microsoft Word (comments and track changes), or Google Docs (comments and suggestions). I offer basic formatting* as part of copy-editing at no extra cost, which includes imposing consistent fonts and stylistic elements. In the case of Word, I can also apply Styles.

English variants:
I’m a native UK English speaker, but I can work with UK, USA, Canadian, Australian and Aotearoa (New Zealand) English.
I can also localise USA English into UK English, and vice versa.

*I don’t offer full formatting services (i.e., formatting pages and margins for print or digital publishing specifications) at this time.


I am an author who has recently moved from indie published to purely self published, and while I’ve done work as an editor before, as one knows, you cannot edit your own work effectively. A.R. was brought on to proofread the text before publication, and did a wonderful job finding everything from stray extra spaces to typos and inconsistent terminology.

The work is in a regional dialect of rural Southeastern United States, and A.R. did a great job of differentiating between errors in the text and regional colloquial speech patterns and idiosyncrasies. I would highly recommend A.R. to anyone needing a timely, professional proofread.


I’ve had the pleasure of utilizing Alixander’s copyediting services for the past couple of years, and he is absolutely brilliant. Meticulous, punctual, and equipped with an eagle eye, there’s truly no one else I’d rather work with. Working on various projects together, Alixander consistently sets and meets realistic timelines without fail. With each assignment, he provides comprehensive files outlining specific edits and their justifications, along with revised versions ready for smooth publication. As a small magazine, having Alixander on our team is a game-changer. I can’t recommend his services highly enough.

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