
Articles about proofreading, writing and grammarThis page consists of articles written by members of our directory. They cover proofreading, writing, grammar – and anything else that relates to words!

Click on the links below to read each one. We hope you find them both educational and enjoyable.

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Please describe your job in one sentence by Stephanie Hitch

Choosing the right style of CV by Alex Wilson-Campbell

Why you should hire a professional proofreader – and whom to pick by Louise Harnby

The long and short of copywriting by Joy McCarthy

Building a website for your freelance business: five excuses that shouldn’t hold you back by Daniel Heuman

Do I really need a proofreader/editor to check my website in this current market? by Julia Bodie

Resources for writers by Louise Harnby

As if working from home wasn’t distracting enough … A short guide to proofreading effectively AND being good to yourself by Alan O’Brien

Do you really need a proofreader? by Wendy Monaghan

You’ve already forked out for a web designer – so why hire an editor? by Kerri Tyler

How to get the best out of your proofreader by Johanna Robinson

What can you do for your clients? by Liz Jones

Best of enemies – the joys of seeing other freelancers as colleagues and not enemies by Kate Haigh

Coming out of the author closet by Rebecca Richmond

The pitfalls of dictated MS by Jennifer Hinchliffe

“To boldly go where no other copy-editor has gone before …” by Jennifer Hinchliffe

Three editing tips that improve your writing by Kay Hutchings-Olsson

Twitter killed the spelling gold star by Robbie Tasker

How to be vigilant for fraudulent proofreading websites by George Wilson

Professional editing: even Einstein needed it by Brendan Brown

The unusual skills of a proofreader by Nick Hodgson

How did you know you wanted to be a proofreader? by Shuna Meade

Transferable skills from the hospitality industry by Charlotte Cooke

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