Add a Find a Proofreader button to your website!
0If you’re a freelancer, you probably have a website. And if you advertise with Find a Proofreader, you may wish to link your website to your Find a Proofreader listing. For instance, you may want to forward your site visitors to your listing so that they can read your positive customer reviews. Or you might want to encourage your existing customers to write a positive review for your business. Of course, you may just like the look of our shiny buttons! Whatever the reason, it’s very easy to add a Find a Proofreader button to your site. Read on to find out exactly how!
At present there are four buttons for you to choose from. Each one is coloured differently and has a different call to action on. Once you’ve decided which button best suits the look of your website, just copy and paste the code into your site or blog.
Please note: To make the button link directly from your website to your Find a Proofreader page, you’ll need to insert your listing URL in place of the bold text. If you encounter any technical issues, let us know and we’ll endeavour to help!
For the above badge, add this code to your site:
<a href=”INSERT YOUR LISTING URL” title=”Click to rate my service on Find a Proofreader” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Link to Find a Proofreader” border=”0″ width=”250″ height=”55″></a>
To see our other badges, click on the Link to Us tab in the navigation bar, or click here. Alternatively, if you would prefer to link to us with a text link, you can insert this code on your site instead (remember to insert the full URL of your listing where instructed):
<a href=”INSERT YOUR LISTING URL/” title=”Link to Find a Proofreader” target=”_blank”>Check out my listing on the Find a Proofreader directory</a>
The link should look like this on your website:
Check out my listing on the Find a Proofreader directory
These buttons are proving to be a real hit and many of our advertisers have already adopted them. Don’t be left behind – follow the instructions above and add your button today!